Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Step Nine

Become a Part of Something BIGGER

A great way to find happiness 
in your life when it seems like everything is out 
to get you is to find 'meaning and purpose.'
Finding meaning and purpose
isn't just finding religion
and believing in a higher power, but 
to find power in you. 
Spend some time alone
to figure out what you want in life and
who are you when you see the world. 
Knowing that your life has meaning and you are here for a purpose
gives the hope and joy, making
you ultimately 
H A P P I E R. 

Step Eight

Do Things for Others

Helping and caring for others around you isn't
just only good for them, but it
is also fundamental to our own happiness. 
Also, by helping out and giving to others allows you 
to connect with them and new people.
When giving to people, it
doesn't always have to be money, but it is 
time, love, knowledge and 
much more. 
Helping others overall creates satisfaction 
with yourself
it can also help you take your mind off of your
own troubles as well. 

Step Seven

Notice the W O R L D around you

When you're depressed, the world
can seem so small, like it's
suffocating you.
But that IS NOT the case. 
Even when you aren't your happiest, the world is still
out there, growing everyday with new things to 
see and explore.
All you have to do is stop and take notice.
Getting more in touch with the world 
brings us to be more in tune with ourselves and
our feelings. 
The key to being happy by noticing the world around you 
is 'mindfulness.' 

Mindfulness- the state of being aware of what is taking place presently.

Step Six

Set Goals to Look Forward  to.

Being able to look forward to the future
is also linked to a happy personality because it motivates and challenges us. 
The challenge excites us
enough to achieve it, but you want to be careful because 
trying to achieve the impossible
can cause anxiety
and stress.
Ambitious but realistic goals
 gives our lives direction and
brings a sense of
Studies show that working towards your goals brings happiness
in ways including:
1. Being a source of interest
2. Giving yourself a sense of meaning and intuition
3. Sense of accomplishment when you achieve goals!

Step Five

Take Care of Your Body

Our body and our mind are connected.
 Being active makes us happier as well as being good for our
 physical health.
Being active also boosts the immune system, 
lowers depression, and improves our overall mood.
Exercising doesn't have to mean
running miles everyday or hours of heavy weight lifting, 
but even the simplest exercises help
improve your attitude and 
your health.
Along with exercising, 
it is also very, VERY important
that you get plenty of sleep and keep your body
fueled with energy from 
healthy food choices
to proceed with exercise. 

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Step Four

Keep Learning NEW Things 

Studies show that learning new things helps 
and affects our well-being in 
P O S I T I V E ways.
When learning and achieving, it gives you 
a sense of accomplishment and it also boosts your confidence.
Also, there are many ways you can learn new, exciting things
like with your friends, go on trips to educate yourself, and 
also keep focus on learning things 
that interest you!
Overall, leaning new things that interests you keeps
things more exciting in life
and can keep your mind off all of the negative parts in life
and keeps you 

Monday, May 12, 2014

Step Three

own Yourself.

"This is me; take it or leave it"

This means that you NEED to embrace and accept yourself and habits. 
This includes: 
Your personality
Your mistakes
The way you talk 
Your looks
Your style 
Your voice
Your goals and achievements 

NEVER, ever apologize to someone for 
something that is apart of you, and know that 
there is always going
to be someone out there in the world
that likes you for you 

Trying to change yourself to fit in instead of just being you can 
cause stress and anxiety. This is YOUR life,
why try to live it like 
you're someone else?

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Step Two

Change it up

When battling yourself and depression, it's bad to just sit in the same
environment, or look and express yourself the same
way as you did while you were depressed.
Have fun and switch up your wardrobe, get a different hair style,
change the way you do your make-up, change up your scent, and even change up your
daily routine.

Once you change up a few things that could connect
to an upsetting moment or depression, 
you will feel a huge weight lifted off your shoulders and you will feel
like a new, happier you.
Why keep everything the same as it was
while you were unhappy? Keeping everything the
same without making changes would just be
 a constant
reminder of the times in your life that you ultimately want to